Monday, November 10, 2008

Kumamoto Castle

Kumamoto castle
The Chiba castle that the Kikuchi clan built in the 15th century is an origin.
Though Hideyoshi Toyotomi's vassal Sassa Narimasa became lords by Hideyoshi Toyotomi's Kyushu subjugation in the 16th century .
Narimasa disobeyed Hideyoshi's instruction and he suicide by disembowelment.
Afterwards, Kiyomasa Kato became a lord and it completed Kumamoto castle in 1606.
Hosokawa Tadatoshi who was the Kokura lord became the lord of 540,000 Koku in Higo, and it became a Kumamoto lord in 1632.
The castle did not fall though the attack of 50 days was received in the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877, and a lot of buildings burnt down.
The majority of the building in a present castle is the rebuilt one, and the inside in the castle tower is a museum.

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